About Me

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Elk & Me, 810 High st, Thornbury, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Nellie specialises in mood disorders, such as anxiety, depression, stress, memory, and insomnia and also has experience and personal interest in helping people with skin conditions. Nellie treats a person holistically, looking at the entire person. In comprehensive consult and using tools such as functional pathology, Neuro-questionnaire, Live blood screening (Hemaview) and iridology. As both Medical Herbalist and Naturopath, I love using botanical medicine along side lifestyle and nutritional advice to empower people to feel better.

Monday, September 13, 2010

One more reason to buy organics - Antioxidants

Antioxidants are chemicals that fight free radicals. They are the wonderful chemicals that keep us looking and feeling young! And may help in the treatment and prevention of many ailments. They should be available in many fruits and vegetables! But to what degree can be effected by how the plant is grown. Let me explain....

When an organic plant is attacked, it raises its defences. These same compounds that the plant uses to defend itself, have been proven to help protect us too. So if a plant has been protected by sprays, its doesn't need to launch these same defences and so has less antioxidants. read more here http://www.naturalantioxidants.org/Organic_foods.html

The measure of antioxidants is called the Oxygen radical Absorption capacity (ORAC)
This is a measure of the antioxidant ability of foods to protect against radical or cellular damage caused by free radicals.
Below is lists of fruit and vegetables that are high in antioxidants.

ORAC Values of fruit and vegetables : the higher the better

Fruits per 100g:
    1. Prunes            5570
    2. Raisins            2830
    3. Blueberries     2400
    4. Blackberries    2036
    5. Strawberries  1540
    6. Raspberries    1220
    7. Plums                949
    8. Oranges           750
    9. Red grapes       739
    10. Cherries            670
    11. Kiwifruit            602
    12. Grapefruit         483
Vegetables per 100g

    1. Kale                                  11770
    2. Spinach                            11260
    3. Brussel spouts                  1980
    4. Alfalfa sprouts                   1930
    5. Broccoli flowers                1890
    6. Beets                                 1840
    7. Red bell pepper                 1710
    8. Onion                                 1450
    9. Corn                                  1400
    10. Eggplant                            1390
as per Tufts University of Boston test tube analysis, measuring the total antioxidant power of foods.

1 comment:

  1. Hey lovely Nellie. So great to read your latest posts. Such a woman of wisdom! I've upgraded my blog as well.

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Summer holiday. I look forward to seeing you soon to kick-start 2011!

    ~ Kirsty
