Food labeling
When eating for health it is important to eat fresh local, seasonal organic produce. Unless we are able to get to farmers markets and organic suppliers for all our lovely fresh produce, we need to learn how to read the labels, so we know where our food is coming from and exactly what it is. Below is a little info to help you with food identification ... Enjoy.
Conventional fruit labels:
- four digits: mostly starting ith the digit 4
Organic fruit labels:
- five digits and starts with the number 9
Genetically modified fruits
- start with the digit 8
Want to know where a product is made?
Look on their bar codes!
00 : 13 USA or Canada
30:37 France
40:44 Germany
49 Japan
50 UK
57 Denmark
64 Finland
76 Switzerland and Liechtenstein
638 Saudi Arabia
629 United Arab Emirates
690:695 China
740:745 Central America
471 Taiwan
all 480 codes are made in the Philippines
That's an awesome tip! Thanks, Nellie :-)